Winter, the Best Season for Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Procedures

Plastic surgery

Winter is the best season for plastic surgery procedures.

Our natural behaviors to stay warm benefit our healing and results of many cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery. Through these behaviors, we cover up a procedure from view as we heal, and from the sun causing slowed healing or less desirable results. We wear less skin revealing clothes and layers. We are not exposed to damaging sun rays nearly as much as during warmer months. But these more obvious reasons are only a few of many. There are several less obvious reasons winter is best for doing a little cosmetic work, as well.

Skin laser skin treatments and skin resurfacing. Procedures such as Sclerotherapy, Sculptra, rhinoplasty, spider vein removal, mini-face lifts, fillers, facial implants, incisions, and laser skin resurfacing require some downtime, compression, and tend to look worse in the few days after the procedure before getting better. Some procedures need weeks for healing.

Skin rejuvenation treatments, laser hair removal, and chemical peels respond best to skin that gets little exposure to UV rays. Tanned skin responds least to laser treatments, while fare skin protected from the sun after treatment responds and heals best for more desired results.

The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery shows a dramatic increase of plastic surgery and cosmetic treatment over the past decade while cosmetic surgery statistics indicate a spike in procedures taking place during winter months when patients receive the highest benefit.

In the future we’ll review seasonal procedures- which are most popular when, and why.

A good rule of thumb is to consider covering up healing treatments. Undergoing treatments during holiday season when it is more likely to be able to take down time from work, and consider less sun exposure, before undergoing treatment and after. Winter season seems to cover all bases under those criteria when a patient considers a good time to undergo any cosmetic work.